Taming ☮

Basis of taming 

The basis of making your petbird(s) tame:

♦ Be patient
♦ Spend a lot of time with your petbird(s)
♦ Reward your feathered friends for good behaviour
♦ If you have a petbird which bites: stay positive, try to act like biting doesn't hurt you - you must not look afraid!
♦ Do your daily things at home (for example cleaning the house) with your petbird on your shoulder. 
♦ Try to let your petbird step up a perche/your finger.
 Keep making contact and talk to it.

My experience with taming

When I found Lucky she wasn't tame. Instead of being afraid (which most untamed birds are), she was mad and aggresive she expressed this by biting.

After giving her a lot of positive attention, and approaching her happily (singing to her, giving treats) she had let me in to her space and we became friends. :)

Taming steps ⇜

step one to five of starting with taming:
1. Your bird is propably either afraid or feels treatened, it's important to start with letting the bird feels comfortable in your presence.
But how? Spend every day a couple of minutes in front of the cage, the let it get used to your look, voice, appearance and smell
2. Talk to your bird in a joyful way, you can try to begin with the first action; open the cage and put your hand inside, observe the birds response. On the basis of it's reaction you can decide to leave the hand there or to go closer with your hand if this goes well you can start with step 5.
3. Put some treats like millet or sunflowerseeds on your hand while you go into the cage, that will let your bird realise your hand is save.
4. Repeat the steps discribed above daily, within a week you should see differents, if not take some more time or go back to step 1.
5. After a month you should be able to put your hand near the bird, you can now start putting your finger in front of the bird, close to it's tummy. This is meant to let your bird step up on your finger, this is an important part of taming your bird. If it steps up, you can easily (re)move it. 
✿Keep millet and seeds by your side.✿