My opinion on...

My opinion on clipping wings

My opinion on clipping wings:
I don't see the benefits of clipping your bird it's wings. The only reason I could imagine is that you do it because you can not controle your bird. Before thinking clipping the birds wings is the solution.. Ask yourself what the reason is you can't controle your petbird. Try to empathise and understand your petbird. Think about the past of it, maybe your bird has been through a lot, and that could be the reasons its aggresive or afraid. Do you really think taking your birds freedom away will make things better? I don't. I have had some difficult times with my birds too, because they could fly that well they got higher and higher. They flew on top of the closets several times a day and I could not get them easily from there. But the last thing that would come up in my mind would be clipping their wings.. If any of you struggles with a bird who flies high on closets or bites cables that are high and so on, why choose  to disable your bird? Why don't you make a cool playtop on top of the closet, so they may actually play there?  Why dont you hide away the cables? And about taking your bird with you outside. When it is very windy and your bird is clipped it can still fly away with the wind underneath his wings. So just put on a harness or flightsuit I suggest :).

Conclusion: There are so many other options

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