Right diet
Daily nutritions ❃
The basis
If you want your petbird to be healthy it's important to make sure it gets all it's necessary nutrients. You can achive this to give a well balanced diet.
A healthy petbird gets nutrition containing:
♦ Pellets
♦ A varied (organic) seedmix
♦ Fresh fruit and vegetables
(♦ Every day fresh water)
How to: learn to eat fruit/vegetables
Maybe you've already tried to give your beloved parrot some fruit or vegetables. But unfortunately this can be harder then expected most of the time. Mine were picky too. It takes a lot of time and effort to get your parrot to eat healthy if they are not used to it. It's better to give more veggies than fruit because most of the fruit kinds are very high in sugar. So what did I do to get my lovebirds to eat healthy. First of all I acted like I ate all the veggies and fruit first, then they became interested and wanted to try it for theirselfs, since then they found out it was really tasty. You could also try to cut everything in really small pieces, at least if you also have a small bird. (For large parrots you could just wash the fruit/vegetables and give it.) . You could try making smaller pieces with for example an apple, most do like apple. And cut this almost as small as seeds and then put it in a bowl and you could also sprinkle nutriberries or mix some seeds on top.
What not to feed ☢
Before you decide what to feed your bird daily, it's important to know what you should defenitely not give them. They may not get advocado, pits, rhubarb, soda, alcohol, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onion, garlic, mushrooms, chocolat, and dairy products. Advocado contains a toxicity that can cause lethargy, anorexia, breathing difficulty and sudden death. Rhubarb got ethanedioic acid which is bad for birds. Soda contains caffeine which is obviously not meant for birds. Alcohol can cause liver diseases. Lettuce may be only given unsprayed. Tomatoes are bad for birds because of their acidity. The threads of a celery need to be removed before giving it, it can give digistive problems. Onions can harmful for your bird because of the sulfur that causes hemolysis, a rupture of redblood cells which could cause anemia. Garlic is releated to onions. Celery can cause crop impaction. Mushrooms can cause digistive probleems because it is a type of fungus. Chocolat is pure toxic. Even as dairy products they cannot digest well. ✗
Favorite healthy meal(s)
Yes that's correct! My 3 lovebirds do have their favorite HEALHTY meal. Well, not even just one meal. They like several kinds of veggies and fruits so I give them daily. Did you know that your lovebird can live up to 25 to 30 years with the right care and diet! So here are two recipes of the meals my lovebirds prefer mostly.
(Oh! And I have this helpful advice! Giving fresh fruit or veggies can cause a lot of mess and dirtiness. Use an old or new bathtub that are made to hang on the cage. This is such a helpful solution! You can put the tub full of yammy veggies and just hang it on their cage, without getting all the mess on the bottom :)!
First meal:
♦ Apple ♦ Scrumbled nutriberries on top. ♦ Broccoli ♦ Figs
Second meal:
♦ Hempseeds ♦ Pumpkinseeds ♦ Sprouty seedmix ♦ Quinoa ♦ Carrots ♦ Peas
Homemade nutriberries
✏️ 1. any kind of seeds and pellets (prefer Harisson's) both 3 to 4 tablespoons. You can let the pellets soak in water for 15 mins before adding them so they are softer.
2. you need dried fruit like cranberries, mango, papaya or corn but you can use any kind of dried vegetables/fruit, these needs to be cut in small pieces add 2 to 3 tablespoons.
3. You can choose to add prestige snackmix this also contains fruit and eggfood (optional) 1 tablespoons.
4. A mix with small nuts (from vitakraft) 1 teaspoon (optional).
5. I mix all these ingredients together in a bowl.
6. then I add one teaspoon of palm nut oil (optional)
7. Next take 1 to 2 tablespoons of self-raising flower and add this to mixture.
8. To make it extra sticky add 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey.
9. Mix it together and shape them like berries, if it doesnt stick together well enough add more honey and flower. If correct you got more then 12 berries.
10. Then but them in the oven on a baking plate with bakery paper on 180 degrees for 10 to 15 mins.
Vegetables sprouts
Recently I discovered my lovebirds really enjoy eating vegetables sprouts, so I defenitely want to recommend this healty meal!
In the left picture I gave: broccoli, with red cabbage and broccoli sprouts.
In the right picture I gave: broccoli, with green radish, regular redish and leek sprouts.
Sprouts are comparable with baby vegetables. Compared to fully grown vegetables they contain a lot more vitamins, minerals, enzyme and proteins. So it surely is a healthy meal and benefits their health!
Treats are very helpful when you are trying to learn your lovebird something. For example to get them to step up your finger. Treats are easy to use as reward for good behaviour. Because your parrot get's a treat it knows it has done something good and it will repeat that behaviour because it wants a treat. That's also why it's very important to only give treats when your parrot does something you want it to do. Otherwise it does not have the right effect and your parrot can get to thick if you give treats away easily. But treats don't have to be full of sugar and other bad ingredients. You can also use pellets. Here a couple of treats:
♦ Pellets ♦ Millet ♦ Nutriberries ♦ Seeds ♦ Dried fruit / vegetables ♦ Fruit cups ♦ Sugar cane ♦
Homemade parrotbread
Recipe for this delicious homemade parrotbread:
♦ 1 banana ♦ 1 egg with shell ♦ 100 grams flower ♦ hand full of unsalted nuts ♦ 2 to 3 tablespoons cocosnutoil ♦ 1 tablespoon palmnutoil ♦ hand full of dried fruit (pineapple papaya cocosnut apple mango) sliced in small pieces. ♦ pellets
Make the dried fruit and nuts in very small pieces. Then pulverize the banana until its liquid.Wash the egg and but it in a bowl (raw) with the crunched shell (very! small pieces of the shell). Mix the other ingredients (dried fruit, nuts, 100 grams of flower, cocosnutoil and palmoil) with it. Put the mix in small cupcakes. Decorate the top with some pellets or extra dried fruit. Then put them in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. This recipe is for about 8 parrotbread cupcakes :)
Good luck!
The right weight
For your bird is eating a right and varied diet very important, because this can give it the perfect weight. Not giving your bird a proper diet can cause him getting over- or underweighted. That is why it is important to make sure you have a scale at home that you normally use for example in the kitchen to weight ingredients. The right weight depends on what kind of bird you have and also if it is a male or female. Most femalebirds are a little bigger than malebirds and that also makes them heavier. Weighting your bird everyday at the same time (prefer in the morning before eating) assures you to see if your bird has gained or losed more wait than is healthy. It also makes sense in knowing if you need to change the diet. If your bird weights to less you can choose to give a diet which is a little higher in fat, and the same opposite way if your bird is to thick.
Some right weights per species:
♦ Budgie: 35 - 45 grams
♦ Parrotlet: 30 -35 grams
♦ (peachfaced) lovebird: 46 - 63 grams
♦ Indian ringneck: 130 - 150 grams
♦ Cockatiel: 80 - 110 grams
♦ Conures: 90 - 120
You can see Lucky on the scale I use. On the list of healthy weights for different bird species you can see a (!peachfaced!)lovebirds weights from 46 to 63 grams. Lucky weighted more than this, she actually weighted 70 grams. I realised this was to much, so I decided to do a check-up at her avian vet. The vet said she was totally healthy. She weighted that much because she is a femalelovebird. But even though she was healthy, I decided to change her diet and give her less treats. Nowadays she weights 65 grams.
Here you can get a closer look of which pellets I give.
But what exactly are pellets?
Pellets simply said is a complete diet, that contains all nutrients needed for petbirds. Seeds don't include all nutrients a petbird should get. Because wild birds also don't eat seeds only, they eat varied too. For example: leaves, stems, vines, shoots, vegetables, fruits and flowers. To make sure your petbirds get's a complete and healthy diet I would suggest you to try out pellets. And use seeds as a treat or as additional food.
There are a lot of brands who sell pellets.
I give my petbirds pellets from:
♦Nutribird (B14)
♦Roudybush Mini
♦Harisson's Birdfood (Adult life time super fine or High potency fine).
This is also in order from inexpensive to expensive.
Mine prefer the Roudybush Mini ones most. These one you can see above as most first picture. They eat the with Roudybush filled feeder until it's empty, that is how much they like them. When I gave them it didnt cost any of effort or time to make them eat it, I guess it is because of the way they look and smell. It is very natural. They can also bite them in half easily, pulverise them and then eat the pellets. which is important.
I am giving the Nutribird B14 for about 2 weeks and my lovebirds do like them. (it are the coloured ones, pic in the middle) But unfortunately not enough to eat a lot of them. They smell like bubblegum so that is pleasant. And they look very colourful. But they seem to be playing with them more than eating..
I started giving the Harissons at first. (the small natural looking pellets, last pic) It was hard to get them to eat the pellets, but than I got some advice from a couple of IG followers, who said I needed to soak them a short period before giving them to my lovebirds. So they become a little softer. And guess what? That advice really helped me out! they had eaten the pellets immediately. After a short while I could give them right from upon the package and luckily didn't have to soak them in water anymore.
It is still very important to also give your petbirds fresh fruit and vegetables. They can not live on only pellets. And also make sure you don't just quit with giving seeds and just put pellets in their feeder. It possible to take some time to get them to eat pellets. So it is important you keep giving seeds in the beginning but just a little less. Make sure your petbirds get to sleep with a full crop.
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